Who we are
We are Willem Lutjeharms and Lieve Meere. Together with our children Kilian, Kobe and Flora we left on a world trip in the summer of 2018. A sabbatical, a year off. Take a step back and perhaps discover a new perspective. To intentionally connect with ourselves, our children, people around us and the world around us.

So we traveled the world, and we found what we were looking for, a new perspective, and a deeper connection. But we found so much more. We realized that our journey in the outer world put us on the trail of a journey in our inner world. And that it was precisely that inner journey that interested and inspired us the most. Since then we have been walking the path of the inner journey, the journey that is the most exciting, challenging, meaningful and rewarding journey imaginable for us.
After traveling around the world for a few years, we felt in our hearts the desire to grow roots. We longed to find a place where we could call home, a place where we felt connected. We dreamed of a pristine and beautiful place in the middle of nature that would provide a foundation for our inner journey.
So we quickly and intuitively ended up in Portugal, where we discovered the Valley of Eden.
It was love at first sight for all of us. We all immediately felt very connected to this beautiful place.
A lovely little valley, around a gently babbling river.
A place in the middle of nature, a piece of paradise on earth.
This place gives us bedding for our inner journey.
Here we can slow down, relax, connect with ourselves, each other and the nature around us.
We feel at home here, safe, supported, connected.
We would like to invite you to come and experience this with us…